

The Ancient Offices of Britain

Alastair Bruce  Julian Calder  Mark Cator

KEEPERS tells the stories behind Britain’s titles, ancient offices and appointments, some of which are inherited, some of which retain a connection to something now no longer relevant and others that come with an important job. The earliest titles date back to Saxon times and the most recent was created just a few years ago. Each office distils a moment in Great Britain’s long, complex history.

The procession to Eucharist in Exeter Cathedral is led by the Bearer of the Dog Whipper’s Rod, once a vital post to keep dogs out of the way. His role was considered sufficiently important that rooms overlooking the nave were allocated to the office…

The procession to Eucharist in Exeter Cathedral is led by the Bearer of the Dog Whipper’s Rod, once a vital post to keep dogs out of the way. His role was considered sufficiently important that rooms overlooking the nave were allocated to the officer, the two lit windows of which can be seen on the left, under the arch and above its own doorway.

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Earl Marshal & Heralds in House of Lords-Julian Calder.JPG

Designed by Phil Cleaver, Etal Design phil@etal-design.com